Powerful Pinball Game Feel

Sept 2017 to Dec 2017

Kinesthetic Game Feel Project | Solo Project


About: I took the original Pinball Revenge game I created and focused building on the feel of controlling a powerful pinball. I carefully improved on the ball’s physics to have a reasonable acceleration that built up to a fast-feeling maximum speed. I programmed a camera to follow the player with a slight delay in different directions to make it feel as if it’s trying to catch up with the speeding ball.

UX & Game Feel: 

  • Added an animated, reactive HUD with sound effects to fit the theme of pinball.

  • Implemented a combo system that mutliplies point values and displays them for greater satisfaction.

  • Drew wireframes, increased fidelity, then exported the assets to Unity’s Canvas system and animated them with its Animator.

  • Managed performance using the built-in profiler.